This will compile any files matching valid input template file extensions (.md is one of them) in the current directory into the output folder (defaults to _site).
Writing _site/README/index.html from ./ (liquid) Wrote 1filein0.03 seconds (v1.0.0)
Run eleventy --serve to start up a web server. Then open http://localhost:8080/README/ in your web browser of choice to see your Eleventy output.
Featured · Chrome Dev Summit is an annual conference where developers can learn about the latest tools and updates coming to the Google Chrome browser. (Built with Eleventy in 2019 and 2020!)
Featured · Duet provides a set of organized tools, patterns and practices that work as the foundation for LocalTapiola and Turva digital products and experiences.
Featured · ffconf is a full day of eight carefully curated sessions for an audience that cares about the future of the web, and who want their ideas challenged.
Listen to what these happy developers are saying about Eleventy:
“Think the reason everyone is loving [Eleventy] so much (myself included) is that it doesn't come with a prescription about data sources or template rendering.” —Brian Leroux
“Just the kind of simple / common sense tool I love. The data/folder hierarchy mechanism is super obvious and elegant.” —Heydon Pickering
“I looked into and actively tried using various static site generators for this project. Eleventy was the only one I could find that gave me the fine-grained control I needed at blazingly fast build times.” —Mathias Bynens
“I actually used Eleventy for the first time this week. Loved it.” —Paul Lewis
“Eleventy and web components go really, really well together.” —Justin Fagnani
“Eleventy + Netlify have become my new workflow for static sites. I think I'm in love.” —Mina Markham
“Seriously can't remember enjoying using a Static Site Generator this much. Yes Hugo is rapid, but this is all so logical. It feels like it was designed by someone who has been through lots of pain and success using other SSGs.” —Phil Hawksworth
“Eleventy is a killer static site generator. That’s all.” —Sara Soueidan
“Eleventy is almost fascinatingly simple.” —Chris Coyier
“Don’t tell Zach I said it but Eleventy is seeming fresh as hell so far” —Mat Marquis