We The Protesters
The possum is Eleventy’s mascot

Eleventy Documentation

This is an older version of Eleventy. Go to the newest Eleventy docs (current path: /authors/dgrammatiko/) or the full release history.

Dimitrios Grammatikogiannis #

Dimitrios Grammatikogiannis’s Sites: #

dgrammatiko’s twitter avatarA module for properly invalidating browser's cacheA simple site that delivers a piece of PHP code. Obviously requires the PHP part...
Screenshot of https://jinvalidate.netlify.app/
dgrammatiko’s twitter avatarjoomla Needed FixesA site ranking all the Joomla Site Showcase sites
Screenshot of https://joomla-needed-fixes.netlify.app/
dgrammatiko’s twitter avatarJoomla SPA CreatorA simple site that will create on the fly a Joomla Component for SPA.
Screenshot of https://joomla-spa.netlify.app