We The Protesters
The possum is Eleventy’s mascot

Eleventy Documentation

This is an older version of Eleventy. Go to the newest Eleventy docs (current path: /authors/smthdotuk/) or the full release history.

smthdotuk #

smthdotuk’s Sites: #

smthdotuk’s twitter avatareListedA personally curated collection of design and front-end bookmarks.
Screenshot of https://elisted.org/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarGig summariesTwo word summaries of music gigs I've attended, since 2019
Screenshot of https://gigs.smth.uk/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarManifestoA design manifesto.
Screenshot of https://manifesto.smth.uk/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarProper NounA collection of names (and, more importantly, faces).
Screenshot of https://propernoun.smth.uk/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarSam SmithDesigner, coder, and occasional blogger and photographer.
Screenshot of https://smth.uk/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarTypescaleAdobe XD plugin to generate a typographic scale.
Screenshot of https://typescale.io/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarUninstallAlternatives to big tech products.
Screenshot of https://uninstall.tech/
smthdotuk’s twitter avatarWTF?Stupid, sweary button.
Screenshot of https://wtf.smth.uk/