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Eleventy Documentation

This is an older version of Eleventy. Go to the newest Eleventy docs (current path: /docs/pagination/) or the full release history.

Pagination #

Pagination allows you to iterate over a data set and create multiple files from a single template. The input data can be in the form of an array or object defined in your frontmatter or in global data, or you can paginate a collection to make an easily digestible list of your posts.

Paging an Array #

To iterate over a data set and create pages for individual chunks of data, use pagination. Enable in your template’s front matter by adding the pagination key.

Consider the following template, which will result in two pages being created, each of which will display two items from testdata:

Language: Nunjucks/Liquid 11ty.js

Interestingly, the Nunjucks and Liquid template languages in this example have the same syntax.

Filename paged-array.njk or paged-array.liquid
data: testdata
size: 2
- item1
- item2
- item3
- item4

{%- for item in pagination.items %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor -%}
Filename paged-array.11ty.js = {
pagination: {
data: "testdata",
size: 2
testdata: [

exports.render = function(data) {
return `<ol>
${ {
return `<li>${item}</li>`;


We enable pagination and then give it a dataset with the data key. We control the number of items in each chunk with size. The pagination data variable will be populated with what you need to create each template. Here’s what’s in pagination:

Syntax JavaScript Object
items: [], // Array of current page’s chunk of data
pageNumber: 0, // current page number, 0 indexed

// Cool URLs, new in v0.10.0
hrefs: [], // Array of all page hrefs (in order)
href: {
next: "…", // put inside <a href="">Next Page</a>
previous: "…", // put inside <a href="">Previous Page</a>
first: "…",
last: "…",

// New in v0.10.0
pages: [], // Array of all chunks of paginated data (in order)
page: {
next: "…", // Next page’s chunk of data
previous: "…", // Previous page’s chunk of data
first: "…",
last: "…",
Here’s some extra stuff in the pagination object that you probably don’t need. ℹ️

In addition to the pagination object entries documented above, it also has:

Syntax JavaScript Object
data:, // the original string key to the dataset
size: 1, // page chunk sizes

// Cool URLs, new in v0.6.0
// Use, pagination.href.previous, et al instead.
nextPageHref: "…", // put inside <a href="">Next Page</a>
previousPageHref: "…", // put inside <a href="">Previous Page</a>
firstPageHref: "…",
lastPageHref: "…",

// Uncool URLs
// These include index.html file names, use `hrefs` instead
links: [], // Array of all page links (in order)

// Deprecated things:
// nextPageLink
// previousPageLink
// firstPageLink (new in v0.6.0)
// lastPageLink (new in v0.6.0)
// pageLinks (alias to `links`)

If the above file were named paged.njk, it would create two pages: _site/paged/index.html and _site/paged/1/index.html. These output paths are configurable with permalink (see below).

Learn how to create a list of links to every paginated page on a pagination template with a full Pagination Navigation tutorial.

Paging an Object New in v0.4.0 #

All of the examples thus far have paged Array data. Eleventy does allow paging objects too. Objects are resolved to pagination arrays using either the Object.keys or Object.values JavaScript functions. Consider the following Nunjucks template:

Syntax Liquid, Nunjucks
data: testdata
size: 1
itemkey1: itemvalue1
itemkey2: itemvalue2
itemkey3: itemvalue3

{%- for item in pagination.items %}
<li>{{ item }}={{testdata[item] }}</li>
{% endfor -%}

In this example, we would get 3 pages that each print a key/value pair from testdata. The paged items hold the object keys:

Syntax JavaScript Object
[ "itemkey1" ], // pagination.items[0] holds the object key
[ "itemkey2" ],
[ "itemkey3" ]

You can use these keys to get access to the original value: testdata[ pagination.items[0] ].

If you’d like the pagination to iterate over the values instead of the keys (using Object.values instead of Object.keys), add resolve: values to your pagination front matter:

Syntax YAML Front Matter
data: testdata
size: 1
resolve: values
itemkey1: itemvalue1
itemkey2: itemvalue2
itemkey3: itemvalue3

This resolves to:

Syntax JavaScript Object
[ "itemvalue1" ], // pagination.items[0] holds the object value
[ "itemvalue2" ],
[ "itemvalue3" ]

Paginate a global or local data file #

Read more about Template Data Files. The only change here is that you point your data pagination key to the global or local data instead of data in the front matter. For example, consider the following globalDataSet.json file in your global data directory.

Syntax JavaScript Object
"myData": [

Your front matter would look like this:

Syntax Liquid, Nunjucks
data: globalDataSet.myData
size: 1

{%- for item in pagination.items %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor -%}

Normally, front matter does not support template syntax, but permalink does, enabling parametric URLs via pagination variables. Here’s an example of a permalink using the pagination page number:

Syntax YAML Front Matter using Liquid, Nunjucks
permalink: "different/page-{{ pagination.pageNumber }}/index.html"

Writes to _site/different/page-0/index.html, _site/different/page-1/index.html, et cetera.

That means Nunjucks will also let you start your page numbers with 1 instead of 0, by just adding 1 here:

Syntax YAML Front Matter using Nunjucks
permalink: "different/page-{{ pagination.pageNumber + 1 }}/index.html"

Writes to _site/different/page-1/index.html, _site/different/page-2/index.html, et cetera.

You can even use template logic here too:

permalink: "different/{% if pagination.pageNumber > 0 %}page-{{ pagination.pageNumber + 1 }}/{% endif %}index.html"

Writes to _site/different/index.html, _site/different/page-2/index.html, et cetera.

Note that the above example works in Nunjucks but {{ pagination.pageNumber + 1 }} is not supported in Liquid. Use {{ pagination.pageNumber | plus: 1 }} instead.

You can do more advanced things like this:

Syntax YAML Front Matter using Liquid, Nunjucks
data: testdata
size: 1
- My Item
permalink: "different/{{ pagination.items[0] | slug }}/index.html"

Using a universal slug filter (transforms My Item to my-item), this outputs: _site/different/my-item/index.html.

Aliasing to a different variable #

Ok, so pagination.items[0] is ugly. We provide an option to alias this to something different.

Syntax Liquid, Nunjucks
data: testdata
size: 1
alias: wonder
- Item1
- Item2
permalink: "different/{{ wonder | slug }}/index.html"

You can use the alias in your content too {{ wonder }}.

This writes to _site/different/item1/index.html and _site/different/item2/index.html.

Note that page is a reserved word so you cannot use alias: page. Read about Eleventy’s reserved data names in Eleventy Supplied Data.

If your chunk size is greater than 1, the alias will be an array instead of a single value.

Syntax Liquid, Nunjucks
data: testdata
size: 2
alias: wonder
- Item1
- Item2
- Item3
- Item4
permalink: "different/{{ wonder[0] | slug }}/index.html"

You can use the alias in your content too {{ wonder[0] }}.

This writes to _site/different/item1/index.html and _site/different/item3/index.html.

Paging a Collection #

If you’d like to make a paginated list of all of your blog posts (any content with the tag post on it), use something like the following template to iterate over a specific collection:

Syntax Liquid, Nunjucks
title: My Posts
size: 6
alias: posts

{% for post in posts %}
<li><a href="{{ post.url | url }}">{{ }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

The above generates a list of links but you could do a lot more. See what’s available in the Collection documentation (specifically templateContent). If you’d like to use this to automatically generate Tag pages for your content, please read Quick Tip #004—Create Tag Pages for your Blog.

Modifying the Data Set prior to Pagination #

Reverse the Data New in v0.7.0 #

Use reverse: true.

data: testdata
size: 2
reverse: true
- item1
- item2
- item3
- item4

Paginates to:

["item4", "item3"],
["item2", "item1"],

(More discussion at Issue #194)

As an aside, this could also be achieved in a more verbose way using the Collection API. This could also be done using the new before callback New in v0.10.0.

Filtering Values New in v0.4.0 #

Use the filter pagination property to remove values from paginated data.

Syntax YAML Front Matter
data: testdata
size: 1
- item3
item1: itemvalue1
item2: itemvalue2
item3: itemvalue3

Paginates to:

Syntax JavaScript Object
[ "item1" ],
[ "item2" ],

This will work the same with paginated arrays or with resolve: values for paginated objects.

Syntax YAML Front Matter
data: testdata
size: 1
resolve: values
- itemvalue3
item1: itemvalue1
item2: itemvalue2
item3: itemvalue3

Paginates to:

Syntax JavaScript Object
[ "itemvalue1" ],
[ "itemvalue2" ],

The before Callback New in v0.10.0 #

The most powerful tool to change the data. Use this callback to modify, filter, or otherwise change the pagination data however you see fit before pagination occurs.

pagination: {
data: "testdata",
size: 2,
before: function(data) {
return => `${entry} with a suffix`);
testdata: [

<!-- the rest of the template -->

The above will iterate over a data set containing: ["item1 with a suffix", "item2 with a suffix", "item3 with a suffix", "item4 with a suffix"].

You can do anything in this before callback. Maybe a custom .sort(), .filter(), .map() to remap the entries, .slice() to paginate only a subset of the data, etc!

Order of Operations #

If you use more than one of these data set modification features, here’s the order in which they operate:

Add All Pagination Pages to Collections New in v0.8.0 #

By default, any tags listed in a paginated template will only add the very first page to the appropriate collection.

Consider the following pagination template:

- myCollection
data: testdata
size: 2
- item1
- item2
- item3
- item4

This means that collections.myCollection will have only the first page added to the collection array (_site/my-page/index.html). However, if you’d like to add all the pagination pages to the collections, use addAllPagesToCollections: true to the pagination front matter options like so:

- myCollection
data: testdata
size: 2
addAllPagesToCollections: true
- item1
- item2
- item3
- item4

Now collections.myCollection will have both output pages in the collection array (_site/my-page/index.html and _site/my-page/1/index.html).

Full Pagination Option List #

Other pages in Working with Templates:

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